Welcome to the Creative Corner!

Hi! Welcome to the Creative Corner! This is going to be a site devoted to book-lovers like me who are always looking for a good read. I am going to do book reviews, recommendations, list off short stories and post some of my own. If you are looking for a good, reliable source for all things book, you've found it. So, again, welcome! Hope you visit my site again soon!

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Knightley Academy

* * * * */ Five Stars

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Humor, Mystery, Suspense, Danger

In a world filled with far off places, hidden kingdoms, princes, and dark secrets, going to the Knightley Academy is every boy's dream. It is where youths learn to become knights and aspire to live lives of adventure and excitement while serving their country. Henry Grim is a servant that has been tutored secretly by a professor at his assigned workplace, the Midsummer School for boys (and snobby ones, at that). When the Knightley Academy test rolls around to Midsummer again, like every year, each boy in the exam fails the admission test. Except for Henry, who solved each problem with flying colors, even though he worked in the kitchens. Henry accepts his scholarship and makes his way to the prestigious school, where he is immersed in a world of tough competition, sabotage, lies, betrayal, disbelief, shocking discoveries, and real friendship for possibly the first time in his life. Will he be able to find out why someone is so determined to stop him from attending before the hunt costs him so much he can't turn back, or will Henry be able to rat out the true saboteur at Knightley before he's kicked out for good?
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. Although I expected it to be slow going at the beginning but interesting overall, 'The Knightley Academy' by Violet Haberdasher immediately gripped me and didn't let go. This book is a fast-paced, inventive story that proves that your status and circumstances don't determine your future. If 'The Pennyroyal Academy' and 'Harry Potter' had a baby, this novel would be it.

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