Welcome to the Creative Corner!

Hi! Welcome to the Creative Corner! This is going to be a site devoted to book-lovers like me who are always looking for a good read. I am going to do book reviews, recommendations, list off short stories and post some of my own. If you are looking for a good, reliable source for all things book, you've found it. So, again, welcome! Hope you visit my site again soon!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Unjournal 25

Prompt: Finish this sentence three different ways, creating a different feeling with each sentence: As Antonio opened the door, he gasped to see…

. . . nothing; the room was entirely empty. Strange. He could have sworn that this room was full of furniture.
. . . his dog, Holly, who had been rolling around in mud and was now spreading it around his sheets.
. . . a strange woman dressed in rags and covered in dirt, who was too busy concocting something in a large mixing bowl in his kitchen to notice him.

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