* * * */ Four Stars
Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Suspense, Intrigue, (a little) Romance, Futuristic, and Fiction
In this book by Teri Terry, Kyla has been slated. In other words, her mind has been wiped by the government. The government, in order to avoid killing young terrorists and criminals, clears their minds of their memories and reforms them with a special bracelet called a levo. It monitors your happiness, anger, and sadness levels. If they drop below a 3, you get shocked. Below a 2, and you get knocked out. If you try to remove it, you die from the stress and pain it inflicts on your body. If you still find a way to get around the levo or question the slating system, government agents called Lorders come into play and 'take care of you'. Kyla doesn't remember who she is and what she did, but right away she notices some things that are different in herself that sets her aside every other slated she encounters at her new school and with her foster family. She is more in control of her thoughts and susceptibility, she feels more comfortable writing with her weaker hand than with her dominant one, she has been having strange dreams, and her levo seems to be . . . wrong. With the help of her new friend (or maybe more than that), Ben, Kyla tries to uncover who she is, what is happening in her dreams, and what is wrong with both the government and her levo. But Kyla's past holds many secrets, some she may not want to find out. Will she succeed, or will the weight of her past memories and the threat of the Lorders prove too much for her to handle?
I really enjoyed this interesting read. Full of adventure and mystery, this novel is sure to please!